Yep...I did went out partying last night! I partied so hard I barely remembered what happened. Its very fucking cold last... i was just about to be a nanna and call it off but then I realized that if I don't do this...I will be one of those boys who hated the scene just because they had too much. Yes..I am turning 30 this this age which I find gaining weight is easy but to lose it takes triple the effort...unlike when I was 20 when popping diet pills for a week will make me lose 5kg...
Is it true after you find love, and you know that he will love you no matter don't really care about how you look? Getting the hot body that you always want become secondary?...Or maybe in my 30's what important is to make more $$$.... Now that I have found love....Maybe this is it...the end of my youth...and me growing up.
Back to last night, I reached the Market at 11.30..just in time to show my membership medallion to the door bitches for free entry...Lovin it. Said hi to Jeffrey and Ben with their young "straight" aussie boy....( hmm...another sheep in a gay club!) ....Eugene and David showed up after...It was an awkward moment...( as per previous entry- they broke up after a brawl) and last night they announced that they're back together again.
I supposed that what love is... even after you punched each other til you bleed...after the whole trouble of you made your friends do for you....and then you made a decision to kiss and make up....and your friend?... will have to accept that... I supposed that's what I have to do... and that is LOVE...
Oh.. there is no party photos...its hard to take pics with my Motorola V9 2megapixel camera....the lasers...the shows...its all seems familiar again... Hey Hey...Jett the party boy is back...