Thursday, May 1, 2008


Sorry people..have been hectic at work lately... I am beginning to feel weary of the company I work for... I manage one of the many Hutchison 3G retail store in Melbourne. I have 7 others working under my supervision. Lately things hasn't been going well... Yes..our achievements in the store is tremendously good... we are one of the 2 stores nationally ( from 90 )....that hit its Aspirational Target in all 5 areas... (Voice, Data, 2nd Service, Retention, 3G Content)... but recently my team has been divided into 2 smaller team.... team A that is Troy (manager)...Hat, Josh, Mike and Marc... team B... Peter, Sophia and Caz... me and Keith are sitting on the fence! ...

Today our regional manager Rachael came in and had a meeting with Troy... clearly he's not very happy with the outcome... Hmm... I dont really know what to say. As much as this job pays the bill.. I am desperate for a new one.. maybe in Business Sales... maybe in Media... who the fucking hell knows???....

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