Saturday, May 3, 2008

Autonomy Me...

I have to.. I cant stand it... We walked pass the new shop on Chapel St... AUTONOMY... I got this new jumper for $150...hehe...I do need a new jumper and this one kinda cute too... We went to GStar earlier and I fell in love with the smart black jacket but its $250.00... a bit too much for me...

We caught up with Simon for coffee at the market cafe, love that place...the Italian boy who works there is soooo fuckin hot!... Hehe... we eye flirted the boy but clearly he is straight! After G-Star we went up to San Churros for the ever famous Chocolate Churros...we bought 3 of them with different chocolate dip flavour, White-Milk-Dark....Going to have them as our dessert for tonight dinner.

Said our farewell to Simon and we head up to the Fresh Flower Man shop on Commercial Road and bought some flowers for the house. I wanted to do something different...bored of blooms so we opted out for decorative chillis and shrubs. Mind you...I have no idea on flower arrangements... hehe.. so I just schmacked them together and came up with 4 different spots to put them... Its not as gorgeous..rearranging these fuckers are so much harder than normal flowers... I'm clearly not gifted in that department.


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