Saturday, February 9, 2008


Its has been raining this few days...unlike normal Melbourne summadays...its getting colder. I think the stinking hot days are gone... i kinda missed working in chapel st..when i can perve at hot boys with their top in melbourne central is nothing more than a shopping mall. no sexy topless hot boys in sight... haha...

I went to vic garden gym today. it wasnt busy but i just dont feel like working out. I saw this hot lean blonde at the changing room...vivalicious hot lean body. Nice..i thot...why cant i have that kinda body... damn... i was thinking the other day to get a personal trainer again. Maea is good but i didnt see any changes in my body when training with him... i want that chisel abs...hard biceps...he is a great trainer but into stamina and stuff....i dont need PT for that...i can just go to bodystep and bodypump for cardio.

Work has been keeping me so busy these days. I have to go in harder than before. I like working in Melbourne Central...but i cant find time to go gym anymore. I woke up at 7 now...left the house at 8 after taking veuve to the park every morning. Reached gym at out for 45mins...then have shower to be at work at 9:30.

After work..i got so tired...and try to fit my life to write with then sleep. Its a circle over and over again. I'm not fed up yet with the routine...but kinda close. Denise asked me today...when am i gonna start looking for another job?... I dont know... I got 45k per year now... if i want a new has to offer more than that. I'll think about it after Mardi Gras.

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