Uolls... Its near to easter... Its supposed to be my last day at work today..but Keith came to work when he supposed not to. Poor boy.... commute all the way from BFN ( bumfucknowhere) and been told that he's not on the roster today. Haha.. I offered to swap shift with him instead....
Went in to this shop that sells jeans, shirt and shoes called PLANE....everything in there is sooooo plainn.... plain one color...wonder what has happened to creativity? hhmmm... Eugene wa
s looking at this shoe from Dunlop ( Tayar ke nyehh??) that cost $130..and its all white....err?? apa kah motifnya?? I had enough of the emptiness and plainess of the store... we went up to the other shops... I wanted to go to DesignASpace.. where i got most of my teez from but they're on lunch break! damn!! bloody indy designers!....
With so much time to spend....and so little to do.. we decided to have a look at Strike Bowling... hehe... Its so called Dice ur Price... where you throw 2 dices and whatever number comes up thats what u pay for a game.... haha.. I threw a 9 and Eugene threw a 12!!!! Fuckkk!! its even more expensive than normal price...hahahaha.... we SUCKSSS!!!... luckily the chick there was soooo nioooiccee tho..she was laughing so hard at us... suckersss..... she charged us $5 per person per game... hehehe... so we had 2 games.... hhhee... i scored 123... and eugene 103... I blamed the hot blonde straight boy thats playing on the next lane.... hmm... too distracting!!
Hmm.... Declan called me at 5:15 after work asking if I needed a lift home... I said goodbye to Eugene as he wanted to buy groceries at Coles...went home and took Veuve to the park... what a nice way to spend half a off day......
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