Sunday, September 13, 2009

Get Over It

I read on someone's FB page today how annoyed he is when a gay guy try to pick him up. And the abusive comments that follows to the statement rather disturbing. Mind you this coming from a Malaysian guy... Comments like "just kick his ass and bash this gayboy".... Its scary how people react and their perception of gay people. I am so grateful that i don't live in that society anymore where homosexuals are committing sins, immoral and should not be treated equally as they are condemn in hell.

Some even rather stay in the closet either too scared to be humiliated or disgraced by society. When I moved to Melbourne, although gay marriage is not legalized, there is no threat of being one. There is no media or police raiding the gay venues just because they're different. There is no articles in the newspaper condemning homosexuality and people don't treat you different from others.

Its not too bad back in Malaysia. But hearing from my best friends how the media and government trying to crack in the issue. Raiding gay venues and labelled them as immoral and disgusting, its kinda scary to go home to live. When will they learn that human rights needs to be in the forefront rather than political interest and religious view.

We're not the ones who's having mental illness here... maybe its them!


1 comment:

Shopaholic_Sinful said...

exactly true.. they can keep on making news but what are the approch do they take what sort of studies have they made to help to reach gay people?!

all they knew and good at is condemning and giving all the scarry comments as you mentioned.

to me, regardless what you are, as long as that person being nice towards each other, he should not be differentiate or treat less important.As much as everyone fight for equality, i think it is time for HOMO in Malaysia to fight for their right too..although it will be very difficult..