Saturday, June 27, 2009

warming up…

Its winter and we thought our house could do with some warming up…so we decided to throw a fabulous housewarning party last night. Since we have been thinking to do so since we moved to YVE. Mark did the invite..its as always… so beautifully decorated card with gems and limestones… Everyone was talking about it…. maybe more about the flashy invites than the party… LOL..

Dat and Darren flew down from Sydney just to make an appearance to our fabulous HW. It supposedly started at 7 but as we normally do.. guest starts arriving at 8….from Jeffrey, Fiona and the others….

Lucky for us, I’ve download some Fendi’s mixsets to my iPhone and that works a treat! Love the music… Declan made nibblies and champagnes starts pouring….and so does the conversations….

It was a fantastic party…. simple and intimate…. nice to gather all our friends around for drinks and music….and we ended up with gorgeous giftssssss… though I didnt remember putting **please bring nice gifts upon arrival** on the invite…

oh welll….

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