Sunday, January 4, 2009

Quiet weekend

After so much socializing last few weeks, we decided to have a quiet weekend. Saturday after the Foxtel iQ2 installer comes in, we subscribed to the latest HD Channels. Oh.. FYI iQ2 enables us to view Foxtel (cable tv) on High Definition and it also able to record shows like TiVo....rewind and pause realtime tv. Hehe.. Now thats amazing....

04012009(012) Afterwards we went to City Suzuki to pick up our new SX4... The girl that sell us the car gives me the creeps. She is such a bogan....

She showed us a knock off Bulgari watch that she claimed she had purchased from an opt shop for $10... and its REAL... hahaha... what a loser!!! She has no idea that her watches is sooo poorly made fake, even patpong market has better ones! LOL.....

Eugene and David came by to ours and and see the new car. They were quite impressed by the price tag. I also made decky have Maccas ( McDonalds) for lunch... It wasn't such a good idea as we took turns to the toilet an hour after... hehe...

I generally avoiding the city and shopping this week. My credit card needs CPR after a massive spending spree over chrissy....but i succumb to the temptation of online shopping.... spent $150 on underpants on STYLEFORHIM

Bought a few pairs of Ginch Gonchs that I looooved... 2 pairs of 2xist thats really comfy and a singlet from 2xist.


I need them. I've been neglecting downunder for awhile.       I threw out most of the Aussiebums thats been nearly a year old...

signing off now.....

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