Monday, November 3, 2008

Hari Raya at Home

Its been more than a month since Aidilfitri... I flew home to be with my family :). So glad to be with mom and dad again... the fresh air at kampung... my siblings and relatives keep asking me about marriage...since i am turning 30 this year...gosh... I guess I have to be quiet....unless they really reallly wanted to know...

I love my family.... no matter what... if they wont accept me as I am.... i will be devastated....i will cry for days.... but I wont lie to them who i am....i will give them space... time to think and accept who I am.... and when they realized that I am the same me... hopefully they will understand.....

I saw this link on my last entry about forwarding this blog to JPM...etc.... I don't understand what is that all about. But if someone out there that accidentally read my blog and felt threaten or felt obliged to correct my lifestyle... then forget it... maybe they should try sponsoring a child, or helping the poor people with their energy. It will be more meaningful to life...

Oh... Hari raya has always been and opportunity to catch up with everyone. I didn't went home last this year I took the opportunity to see everyone. To all ....

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri...Maaf Zahir & Batin


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jett...mak rasa hat yang salinan kat JPM tu bukan apa, tu CULt kot..cult of Imam Mahdi...nak akhir zaman lah katakan. I am sure it's nothing to do with your blog..tu spam lah tu..ntah apa apa lah...

Oh well, uols..I am sure your family surely knows about you..especially mother... mothers know well about their kids! yang menyibuknya sapa lagi kalau taks edara mara yang suka jaga tepi kain orang walhal diri sendiri pun tak terurus! bangang sangat kot?

p/s Happy Belated Eid!!!! :P